Collingwood Primary School
At Collingwood Primary School we uphold and teach all pupils about British values. There are five key areas which are:
Rule of Law
Individual Liberty
Mutual Respect
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
We teach these values through a broad and diverse curriculum. All these areas are taught and explored through assemblies, PSHE and RE lessons.
We actively promote British values throughout daily life in school through assemblies, collective worship and school systems, including the selection and running of the school council and Eco Warriors. We also encourage the children to follow the school ethos and school procedures. This is reinforced through positive reward systems.
As a school we strongly believe every person matters and promote British values by celebrating what makes us unique. We encourage all pupils to understand other cultures and beliefs. We encourage the children to take an active part in the school community and listen to all their ideas and opinions.