
Collingwood Primary School

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Family feedback: *All staff go out of their way to make sure my child is safe and happy. Excellent care. *I feel the school goes above and beyond to support my child. Thank you. *This school is very caring to the children, and always has a lovely atmosphere. Thank you! *Both of my children are very happy at this school and I am very happy with their progress. The school has good/effective communication with parents. *My child’s older siblings went to this school when they were younger and also loved it. The teachers are fantastic. *Always been a lovely school. All of family members, including myself, went here. *Have always been happy with Collingwood staff and their teaching with all of my children. *Brilliant school – I even returned my child back here after leaving. *The teaching staff are very accommodating and cheerful. Our kids are happy and they always look forward to going to school. *

PSHE and Relationship/Sex Education Policy

This policy has been drawn up following the “Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Statutory guidance for governing bodies, proprietors, head teachers, principals, senior leadership teams and teachers” produced by the Department for Education 2019. This is based on “Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019”.


This policy should be read in conjunction with other school policies: Safeguarding and Child Protection policy/ Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHC) Curriculum policy/Science curriculum policy/ Peer-on-Peer abuse policy/ Good Behaviour and Anti-Bullying policy/ Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy (SEND) / Equality statement/ E-Safety policy/ Assessment policy
