Collingwood Primary School
Homework for Year 6 is reading at least 3 times per week (ideally a little every night). Students will begin to receive weekly grammar homework, spellings and maths homework from Autumn 1. To support online learning, children can access: Mathletics and Times Tables Rock Stars, Spelling Shed and Reading Plus. Logins will be sent home in the first few weeks.
Later in the year, the children will receive activities and tasks to help them prepare for their Y6 SATs and your support with this is much appreciated.
Please click below to find out what your child is learning about each term.
Please click below to find out what your child will be learning about each term.
PE- Wednesday and Thursday 6CG/ Thursday and Friday 6CB
Homework- Mathletics, TTRs, Reading Plus and Edshed (spellings)
Spellings - Given out on a Monday. Spelling Test Fridays
Reading books - Changed on return
Useful websites
You can use the following websites to support your child's learning at home.