
Collingwood Primary School

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Family feedback: *All staff go out of their way to make sure my child is safe and happy. Excellent care. *I feel the school goes above and beyond to support my child. Thank you. *This school is very caring to the children, and always has a lovely atmosphere. Thank you! *Both of my children are very happy at this school and I am very happy with their progress. The school has good/effective communication with parents. *My child’s older siblings went to this school when they were younger and also loved it. The teachers are fantastic. *Always been a lovely school. All of family members, including myself, went here. *Have always been happy with Collingwood staff and their teaching with all of my children. *Brilliant school – I even returned my child back here after leaving. *The teaching staff are very accommodating and cheerful. Our kids are happy and they always look forward to going to school. *


At Collingwood Primary School, our Science curriculum encourages children to independently question and explore their environment to develop a passion for discovery.

Science Intent

Science Whole School Coverage

What is Science? Let's find out what our children say....


'Science is explosions and experiments, I’ve enjoyed learning about food groups and plants. Science can help me with art because if I can see a plant then I can sketch what I see'. (Year 1 pupil)


'Science is experiments, habitats, scientists can make potions and investigate animals that are close to being extinct. I like building habitats, food chains, producers and consumers'. (Year 2 pupil) 


'Science is rocks, scientists and experiments'. (Year 3 pupil)


'Science is facts about the world and I love experimenting. My favourites are making elephant toothpaste and finding out how our digestive system works'. (Year 4 pupil)


'Science is Space. We have learned a mnemonic to help us remember the order of the planets and we have made satellites. We know about Aristotle'. (Year 5 pupil)

'Science is really cool; we do lots of fun experiments using lightbulbs and motors. I like writing about our experiments and showing what we have learned'. (Year 6 pupil)

Promoting careers in Science

It is vital that children understand how the skills they are taught at Collingwood will assist them in being successful in their later life and careers. At Collingwood, we aim to enable children to have a working knowledge of a variety of science skills to help them become: budding biologists, investigators, researchers, chemists, engineers and many more careers! We aim to ensure Collingwood children will be successful in whichever path they choose. 


STEM Week @Collingwood: Time!


Human body- Growth over time Reception looked at how we change as we grow up. They looked closely at what they can do as a baby, a toddler, a child and an adult. They made life size pictures of a baby, child and an adult and compared their footwear!


Speed! Year 1 looked at marble runs and how they work. They looked at lots of different designs and focused on how to make the marbles move faster or slower. They made their own marble runs from cardboard tubes and cello tape.


Landmarks over time Year 2 looked at famous world and local landmarks and studied their construction. They experimented with different ways to join and strengthen materials and then worked as a team to build a replica of famous landmarks.


Sundials to satellites Year 3 created their own sundials to see how people used to tell the time when they didn’t have analogue and digital clocks. They also made models of the Stonehenge out of biscuits which linked to their History topic.


Music over time Year 4 looked into the progression of music and musical instruments over time. They designed and made lutes and drums - two of the first known instruments! They then looked into digital music, using their ICT skills to compose their own scores using digital instruments through the use of music apps.


Time and Space Travellers Year 5 investigated space travel. They designed their own cities on a different planet, discussed transport in space and different power sources. They then created their very own gas-powered space buggies.


The passage of time - Year 6 looked at the change in themselves over time, and their aspirations and hopes for their future. They created a page on themselves, then compiled it in a book, which was then buried below the raised beds in the school grounds. 

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